The Bhumi Blessing
May there be peace in earth, water, fire, and air, the sun, moon, and planet, in all living beings, in body, mind and heart. May that peace be everywhere and in everyone.
Bhumi-Mangalam, Udaka-Mangalam, Agni-Mangalam, Vayu-Mangalam, Gagana-Mangalam, Surya-Mangalam, Chandra-Mangalam, Jagat-Mangalam, Jiva-Mangalam, Deha-Mangalam, Mano-Mangalam, Atma-Mangalam, Sarva-Mangalam-Bhavatu-Bhavatu-Bhavtu.
Bhumispara mudra is a hand gesture, thought to be adopted by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) in the moment of his enlightenment. As such, this mudra is commonly depicted in statues and carvings of Buddha in meditation. Translated from Sanskrit as the "earth touching gesture," bhumispara mudra is symbolic of Buddha's triumph over temptation by the demon king Mara.